Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Zohydro Is Now Abuse-Deterrent... And It Doesn't Matter

Zogenix, the makers of Zohydro - the first "hydrocodone only" opioid analgesic - announced last week that the FDA has approved a new formulation of Zohydro that now includes abuse-deterrent technology.  For frequent readers of the blog, here's a warning: I'm about to repeat myself.  For what must be the fourth or fifth time in the past year.  That said, I will continue to repost these thoughts on abuse deterrent opioids every single time one is approved.

So... once again, here's your friendly public service announcement:

I am 100% supportive of abuse-deterrent formulations of prescription opioids.  These formulations are effective in combating abuse and diversion (at least in the short-term - it seems drug addicts often find a way to crack the code of each newly formulated medication.  But that doesn't mean we should stop trying, nor does it mean we should eliminate the economic incentive for the pharmaceutical companies to develop such technology).  

To me, though, this conversation is a distraction.  While eliminating abuse and diversion would be great for the work comp system, these aberrant behaviors are not driving the bulk of the problem.  The vast majority of cases in which PRIUM intervenes involve legitimate prescriptions being taken as prescribed.  Very little pill crushing.  Very little intravenous injections.  Very little drug dealing.  

The problem as we see it is lack of medical necessity.  In most cases, it doesn't matter if the patient's opioid is abuse-deterrent or not.  If it's medically unnecessary, if it's leading to loss of function, if it's leading to dependence and addiction... it needs to go away.  The doctor will be better educated.  The patient will get better.  The cost of care will go down.  Everyone wins.  

Abuse deterrent technology is great, but if we focus on technology over medical necessity, we will have missed the mark and the crisis will continue.  

On Twitter @PRIUM1

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